OzRunways Presentation – 24 November 2019
The presentation will be held on 24 November 2019, at the CFC clubroom. The
presentation will run from 11am to 12pm
and Chantelle from OzRunways will conduct a Presentation on OzRunways
for Club Members who use the program as their EFB and would like to
understand more, receive some face to face training and ask questions
specific to you etc.
Please RSVP and bring your iPad on the day for the presentation and your questions.
Any urgent matters should be directed directly to the OzRunways team for assistance via their website and online chat.
Tea/Coffee and light refreshments

Wheelies with Wings – 24 November 2019

CFC Christmas Party – 14 December 2019
More details to come, but you can put a hold in your diary for our Spit Roast Dinner 5.00pm December 14th.