Welcome to 2019. The members of Coldstream Flyers have been busy little bees. There was the very successful working bee, many flying opportunities in the extended summer weather and some great travel snaps from our keen aviators
Working Bee
The Committee extends a great big THANK YOU to all who attended the working bee. A great number of tasks were completed and our little home away from home is set for another year.
- Mens loo painted
- Womens loo cleaned and finished to an appropriate standard
- New stickers on which loo belongs to who, just in case the interior does not give it away!
- New speakers for the radio were donated and installed. A Big Big thank you for the donation of these items.
- Our new BBQ was serviced and is now in service with great feedback.
- Kitchen, fridge and cupboards and windows were cleaned.
- Fly screen door installed.
- Rubbish put out for hard rubbish.
- Colin Lucktaylor’s memorial chair oiled.
- TV aerial installed.
- And many many more jobs completed with them all being just as important as those listed.
A big thank you for all the donations for the working bee, the extra work that members went to to source items and expense that is most gratefully acknowledged.
Flying Competitions
The Flying Competitions are underway on the 3rd Sunday each month. We did have a break for Easter.
The May 2019 Flying Competition is the Inter Club Competition, Flour Bombing at Tyabb on Saturday 18 May. We have won this coveted title before, and if you are able to compete please do so again. We have some stiff competition from Lilydale, Point Cook and of course Tyabb
A note from the Committee
The Club works because of its members and those members contribute to the YCEM Airfield. From toilet provisions to Tea/Coffee and Warm/Cool club room, to hosting Kestrel over summer.
It is great and thank you to all. If you see something that needs to be done, please feel free to do it.
There was a lunch fly to Brown Brothers just before Easter that happened to also be one of the last flights of PZN before it was swapped out. So an action shot is perfect for this!

Sometimes flying activities are pre-organised and other times it is just spontaneous.
There was also a Bonfire night at Wahring Field airport that was also a great night and attended by a lot of aircraft from Tyabb to Echuca. 3 planes from YCEM went and a great night was had by all. A celebration of retirement from a flying career also coincided with this event. Fires burned, YouTube played on a big screen, roast beef rolls were served with a great Bacon and Egg roll brekky the next day. This was followed by a trip to Wangaratta for a Car and Machine show, some flew others drove that was also fantastic
Every Friday night we have social drinks and Pizza or Fish n Chips. Orders taken no later than 7.00pm. The Club also has PFE (Pleasant Friday Evenings) The Blues Brothers in Croydon was a fantastic PFE. Thanks Ray Jay!

So keep an eye on Facebook and pop out to the Club Rooms, you never know Aviation may be committed!